Harmony Counselling Service


I am a fully trained Supervisor holding a Diploma in Supervision awarded by Surrey Counselling Training which is an Approved Training Centre by both the NCFE and CPCAB.

I see supervision as a collaborative partnership between us. The clients needs and ethical practice are central to the process of supervision but I believe that by building a trusting, open and honest relationship supervision provides a safe, supportive and creative space to reflect on your work with your clients which can feel nourishing and growthful. This reflective process helps to facilitate an increase in understanding and insights for both the client, you as the counsellor and the counselling process which can develop and improve the client's outcome in therapy and help you as the therapist to sustain, develop and flourish in your practice.

My main counselling model is Integrated Humanistic, drawing mainly on Existential, Gestalt, Person Centred and TA. I also have experience and training in Brief Solution Focus Therapy, CBT, EMDR, Couples Counselling and Attachment Theory.

I have extensive experience of working in both short and long term counselling with clients.
I have also worked in various settings and organisations, both statutory and voluntary and understand the constraints that working in an organisational contexts can mean for us.

The models which inform my supervision practice are principally Shohet's 7 Eye Model and Inskipp and Proctors Normative, Formative and Restorative Tasks of Supervision.

Fees: £45.00 for 1 hour.

Please contact me to discuss your supervision requirements and arrange an in person meeting free of charge.

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